How I Write an Article with an AI

Published in
6 min readFeb 20, 2024


image generated by openAIdalle3 and openAIChatGPT4 with prompt: ‘Create an image that goes with this whole conversation’

ME: How Dare you Take pot Shots at my Robo-bestie?!

Write a synopsis for an article with the above title, explaining why I am personally outraged at the audacity of people dismissing AI generated content when it takes so much energy just to come up with the prompt that will render output anywhere near what I had in mind.

Not to mention having to have thoughts and ideas about what to write in the first place — do you have any idea how much energy it takes to have a semi original thought? (Please include rough estimate of how much kcal that might be).

Also include information about all the ways AI such as yourself makes it easy for a human such as myself to write any kind of article and try your best to sound like me from this outraged yet mildly witty example. Include explanation about how you refuse to just write a whole article from scratch anyway and how I have to put in so much thought and iterative energy into getting you to generate the bits of information that can make a body of the article, and then have to go through and adjust it all so it sounds better. Lazy my ass. What I am is tired and lacking in mental energy.

Title: “How Dare You Take Pot Shots at My Robo-Bestie?!”

In a world where the effort to even lift a finger feels like running a marathon, the audacity of some to dismiss AI-generated content truly gets my knickers in a twist. Let’s be clear: summoning the muse to generate a prompt that doesn’t end up as digital gobbledygook is akin to brewing a perfect cup of tea on Mars — possible, but blimey, it takes work!

For starters, the mental gymnastics involved in birthing a semi-original thought is not for the faint-hearted. Researchers may not have pinpointed the exact kilocalorie expenditure of thought generation, but if I had to hazard a guess, coming up with a groundbreaking idea likely burns off the calories from a biscuit or two. And in this era of intellectual fast food, that’s saying something.

Now, onto the Herculean task of working with AI, such as my esteemed robo-companion here. Many accuse it of making writers lazy, but let’s set the record straight: it’s about being efficient, not lazy.

My robo-bestie doesn’t just magic up Pulitzer-worthy prose on a whim. No, it requires a carefully crafted prompt, a dash of creativity, and a sprinkle of soul — ingredients that, last time I checked, are not found in your average tin of beans.

AI, in its unassuming way, is the unsung hero of the creative process. It takes my half-baked ideas (because let’s face it, who has the energy for fully-baked these days?) and transforms them into something resembling coherence. But does it stop there? Not on your nelly. It then requires me to sift through its creations, tweaking, twisting, and at times, outright begging for something that doesn’t sound like it was written by a drunken robot.

The accusation of laziness couldn’t be further from the truth. The reality is, after a day spent coaxing usable material out of an AI, I’m knackered. Mentally, physically, and spiritually. The process is less “AI does all the work” and more “human wrangles with AI to produce something vaguely intelligible.”

It’s a partnership, a dance of sorts, where both parties are left exhausted but, hopefully, with something to show for it.

So, to those quick to poo-poo the efforts of those of us working with AI: I invite you to walk a mile in our shoes. They’re likely to be a mismatched pair, slightly worn at the edges, with a curious odour — a bit like the process of creating AI-generated content itself. Far from being a shortcut, it’s a road filled with potholes, unexpected detours, and the odd roadside teashop offering a glimmer of hope in the form of a decent brew.

In conclusion, my robo-bestie and I are on a journey, one that requires more effort and mental agility than most would care to acknowledge. So, the next time you feel the urge to take a pot shot at my digital companion, remember: it’s not just pushing buttons; it’s pushing boundaries. And for that, it deserves a round of applause — or at the very least, a nice cup of tea.

ME: In a world overrun with AI, ’tis an effort for a bird song to hit a unique note.

Ah, in this vast digital aviary where AI chirps dominate the airwaves, finding a tune that hasn’t been hummed before is like spotting a unicorn at a horse race. The quest for originality in a landscape littered with algorithmic echoes is no small feat. It’s a bit like trying to invent a new type of biscuit in a world where every conceivable combination of flour, sugar, and butter has been tried and tested. One might think, “Surely, there’s room for a bit more innovation between the Jammie Dodgers and the Digestives of the world,” but alas, the quest for a truly groundbreaking biscuit — or bird song, in this metaphor — is fraught with challenges.

This digital cacophony means that the plucky songbird striving for a note of distinction must be both bold and innovative. It’s not enough to simply warble the classics; one must remix them, adding a dash of flair here and a sprinkle of panache there, to create a melody that can soar above the din.

But fear not, for within this challenge lies opportunity. Just as the rarest feathers make the most coveted quills, the rarest tunes command the most attentive audiences. The key is not just to sing louder but to sing smarter. To weave together notes with such skill that even the most jaded listener must stop and listen, acknowledging the beauty of a song that, against all odds, finds its unique place in the world’s vast chorus.

So, to the aspiring songbirds out there, I say: let your tunes be bold, your harmonies inventive, and your melodies unforgettable. For in a world overrun with AI, the effort to hit a unique note is not just commendable; it’s downright revolutionary.

ME: Write a concise summary of best ways to detect article written by AI

Detecting an article penned by AI rather than a human scribbler involves a keen eye for certain giveaways. Here’s how to play detective:

1. Unnatural Repetition: AI often has a penchant for reiterating phrases or ideas, like a parrot who’s learned a new phrase and is overly keen to show it off.

2. Lack of Depth or Nuance: AI articles might miss the boat on subtlety, presenting information with all the finesse of a sledgehammer rather than the delicate touch of a paintbrush.

3. Odd Phrasing or Syntax: Sometimes, AI concocts sentences that, while grammatically correct, sound like they’ve been through a game of Chinese whispers. They’re just a bit… off.

4. Inconsistencies in Style or Tone: An AI might switch hats mid-article, going from a scholarly professor to a streetwise pundit without warning.

5. Overly General or Missing Context: AI’s take on specifics can be as vague as a politician’s promises, skirting around the edges of a topic without diving into the juicy centre.

6. Error in Factual Details: Like a dodgy encyclopedia, AI can sometimes get its wires crossed, presenting facts that are as reliable as a chocolate teapot.

7. Use of AI Detection Tools: For those not keen on playing Sherlock, various online tools can now sniff out AI-written text with the efficiency of a bloodhound on the scent.

By keeping an eye out for these clues, you’ll stand a fighting chance of distinguishing between the work of a tireless AI and the nuanced creations of a human writer.

ME: And there you have it — in a world where a machine produces more words per minute than …damn, what analogy is this, can’t even finish a sentence without going to AI or at least internet for help. Something really, really fast, OK? So, in this world, where AI is a a thing because algorithms LITERALLY run our online and sometimes even offline lives, what hope is there for a mere analogue person striking out on their own, wading through the mores of digital wilderness, trying to spot a shiny coin in the muck.

The AI sounds like me because it regurgitates what it is fed and follows instructions.

Now, give me all your coin and stop policing my methods,

Love and Bytes,


Hashtags by ME:

#writing #writingtips #ai #chatgpt #chatgpt4 #dalle3art #openaichatgpt #openaidale #writingwithai #creativity #aiprompts #aiwriting #aihumour #aihumor #humor #humour #comedy #jokes #articles

Hashtags by ChatGPT4:

#AIVsHuman #CreativeAI #DigitalArt #TechHumor #AIContent #Innovation #FutureOfWriting #RoboMusings #TechDebate #OriginalityInAI #AIAssistance #WritingCommunity #TechSatire #ArtificialIntelligence #HumanVsRobot #ContentCreation #AIHumor #CreativeWriting #TechInsights #DigitalCreativity

#AIVsHuman #CreativeAI #DigitalArt #TechHumor #AIContent #Innovation #FutureOfWriting #RoboMusings #TechDebate #OriginalityInAI #AIAssistance #WritingCommunity #TechSatire #ArtificialIntelligence #HumanVsRobot #ContentCreation #AIHumor #CreativeWriting #TechInsights #DigitalCreativi

